Wednesday, July 22, 2015

St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal

St. Catherine Laboure 

Zoe Catherine (St. Catherine) was born on May 2, 1806 on the feast day of St. Zoe in the town of Fain-les-Mautiers, Cote-d'Or, France during the ringing of the Angelus. 

She was the ninth of the 11 children born to Pierre and Madeline Louise Laboure. The following day of her birth, she was baptized as Catherine Madeline on the feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross. 

Madeline Louise died when Catherine was nine years old. After her mother's funeral, a servant saw Catherine reach on her tippy toes for a statue of the Virgin Mary. She kissed the statue and said, "Now, dear lady, you are to be my Mother."

Catherine went to live with her aunt and attended the village church, where she saw her very first vision: An old priest was saying mass, and afterwards, he beckoned Catherine with his finger. Catherine stepped backwards but kept her eyes on him. The vision then changed - the old priest was in a sickroom. He said to her, "My child, it is a good deed to look after the sick; you run away from me now, but one day you will be glad to come to me. God has designs for you. Do not forget it!"

Soon afterwards, Catherine was at the Daughters of Charity's hospital when she noticed a picture on the wall - it was the same old priest she had seen in her vision. She asked who he was, and was told that he was St. Vincent de Paul - the Founder of Daughters of Charity.

She had other visions before the Blessed Virgin appeared to her as well. She saw Jesus present in the Sacred Host and later saw Him as He was when He was a crucified King, stripped of His adornments - this was on the feast of the Holy Trinity on June 6, 1830.

Her other St. Vincent de Paul apparitions were of him holding the Sacred Heart of Jesus in various colors. 

The WHITE Sacred Heart of Jesus = Peace

The RED Sacred Heart of Jesus = Fire

The BLACK Sacred Heart of Jesus = Misfortunes that would come upon France, particularly in Paris.

In January of 1830, Catherine joined the Sisterhood of the Daughters of Charity on the Rue de Bac.

Miraculous Medal 

On the evening of July 18, 1830, Catherine Laboure awoke to her Guardian Angel, who appeared as a child. Her Guardian Angel told her that she must go to the chapel as the Blessed Mother is waiting for her.

First Apparition 

Catherine knelt down and placed her hands in Mary's lap. Mary spoke to her and said, "God wishes to charge you with a mission. You will be contradicted, but do not fear; you will have grace. Tell your spiritual director all that passes within you. Times are evil in France, and in the world."

Pain crossed upon Mary's face as She said: "Comd to the foot of the altar. Graces will be shed on all, great and little, especially upon those who seek them... You will have the protection of God and Saint Vincent; I will always have my eyes upon you."

Second Apparition 

Sister Catherine writes: "On the 27th of November, 1830... while making my meditation in profound silence... I seemed to hear on the right hand side of the sanctuary that of the rustling of silk. Glancing in that direction, the Blessed Virgin stood near St. Joseph's picture. Her height was medium and her countenance, indescribably beautiful. She was dressed in a robe the color of dawn, high necked with plain sleeves. Her head was covered with a white veil, which floated over Her shoulders and down to Her feet. Her feet rested upon half of a globe. Her hands which were level with Her waist, held another globe. Her eyes were raised to Heaven, and Her countenance beamed light as She offered the globe to our Lord."

The Blessed Virgin told Catherine: "Have a medal struck upon this model. All those who wear it when it is blessed, will receive great graces especially if they wear it around the neck. Those who repeat this prayer with devotion will be in a special manner under the protection of God. Graces will be bestowed upon those who have confidence."

Miraculous Medal Design - Front

Mary is standing upon a globe (only half of it is visible) where She is crushing a serpent underfoot. She stands on the globe as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her crushing the serpent is a proclamation that Satan and his followers are helpless before Her. (Genesis 3:15). The reference to Mary conceived without sin supports the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary - not to be confused with the virgin birth of Jesus, and is also in reference to Mary's sinlessness - full of grace and blessed among women (Luke 1:28).

Miraculous Medal - Backside 

The twelve stars can refer to the apostles, who represent the entire Church as it surrounds Mary. Saint John wrote in the Book of Revelation (12:1) "a great sign appeared in Heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars."

The cross symbolizes Christ and our redemption, with the bar under the cross as a sign of Earth. The M stands for Mary, and the interleaving of Her initial and the cross shows Her close involvement with Jesus and our world. 

The two hearts represent the love that both Mary, our Blessed Mother and Jesus, our Savior have for us. 

After the approval of the Church, the Miraculous Medal was made by a French goldsmith, Adrien Vachette, and were distributed in Paris. The blessings that Mary promised began to grace those who wore Her Medal. The devotion spread. Marvels of grace and health, peace and prosperity followed. 

Note: the Miraculous Medal should not be thought of as a 'good luck' charm as there is nothing magical about it. It is simply an instrument through our Blessed Mother Mary to God. 

Chapelle Notre-Dame de la Medaille Miraculeuse 

The Chapel of the Miraculous Medal was founded by both Saint Louise Marillac and Saint Vincent de Paul in 1633. Both of these saints, along with Saint Catherine Laboure can be seen in this chapel. 

Above is a photo of the body of St. Catherine Laboure encased in glass at the altar. 

Sister Catherine died on December 21, 1876 and was buried in a vault in Reuilly. On May 28, 1933, she was beatified* by Pioe Pius XI. This is when her body was exhumed and transferred to the glass case she is in now.

*Beatify is when the Roman Catholic Church declares a deceased person to be among the blessed and thus entitled to specific religious honor. 

On July 27, 1947, Sister Catherine was canonized as a saint by Pope Pius XII. 

Above photograph is the altar at the Miraculous Medal Chapel. 


During the ringing of the Angelus is when Catherine (Zoe) Laboure was born. The ringing of this bell is a call to prayer and the spread of goodwill to everyone; the bell rings at 6:00 in the morning, 12:00 noon and 6:00 in the evening. Here is a video of the Angelus bell ringing along with the prayers in Latin:

Gabriel, AKA: Angelus, God's messenger revealed to Mary that she would conceive a child to be born the Son of God. (Luke 1:26-38)

Angelus Prayer 

V.: The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary
R.: And She conceived of the Holy Spirit

Pray the Ave Marie:
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

V.: Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
R.: Be it done unto me according to Your Word.

Ave Marie

V.: And the Word was made flesh.
R.: And dwelt among us.

Ave Marie

V.: Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
R.: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord, Your Grace into our hearts; that as we have known the Incarnation of Christ, Your Son by the message of an angel, so by His passion and cross we may be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer of Devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal 

Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, I unite myself to You under your title of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.

May this medal be for me a sure sign of your motherly affection and a constant reminder of my devotion to You. While wearing it, may I be blessed by your loving protection and preserved in the grace of Your Son. 

Most powerful virgin, Mother of our Savior, keep me close to You every moment of my life so according to the teaching and example of Jesus. Keep me as your faithful child that I may follow your example throughout life and enjoy Heaven forever with you.


#StCatherineLaboure #MiraculousMedal #JCHeartDesigns

Next Up: Color

• Wikipedia 
• Our Lady of the Rosary Library (
• Mary Pages
• Association of the Miraculous Medal (
• You Tube 
• Miraculous Medal Chapel
• Our Catholic Prayers

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